Living in the Now ~ The Power of Now

Living in the Now ~ The Power of Now

Recently, I read the acclaimed Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now.  In a previous Friday Five post, I mentioned a possible review of the book; though, I think I’ll do the book more justice by sharing my takeaways.  I gravitated towards the title and idea of discovering how to really begin living in the now. 

There are little acts of mindfulness that I already try to incorporate on a daily basis, but that was merely a starting place.  A state of peace and contentment that comes from truly being present requires a little more effort and practice.  For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been a “five minutes from now” kind of person.  I think about what is coming next instead of focusing on what I’m doing right now.  Just as much, I look to the past and dwell on times of the past.  These are habits I thought anyone can fall into but, I’ve learned, they aren’t necessary.

Bringing Future and Past Thoughts into the Now

Let me explain.  Respectfully, a certain degree of planning can be helpful but it needs to have an end point.  I frequently have a thought-whirlpool of plans, wants, desires, and memories pop into my head first thing in the morning.  Does this sound familiar?  The overwhelming nature of the thoughts impedes the calm and restful state I awake from.  Other times, events and tasks stack up quickly and unexpectedly.  The rush of it all sends my cortisol levels through the roof; I seek to tackle the tasks but almost become crippled by the sheer thought of it all.  If I can move, I force myself into a rushed panic to get things done.  Keywords: stressful and unhelpful.

The Future Can Wait

What is the alternative to being burdened by all of those thoughts?  Well, I’m certainly still working on this but I ask myself if a thought is important right now.  Few times are things so imminent as to require our immediate attention.  For any thought I might want to remember, I jot it down on a notepad or type it out on my phone and set it aside.  The note (mine is usually a list) allows me to relinquish the thought for the moment and come back to it later.  This way, I can focus on what I am currently doing. 

The Past is in the Past

Earlier I mentioned how memories can also pop into my head and contribute to the thought-whirlpool.  In recent time, the thoughts of my past have probably eaten away at me most of all.  Our emotions have a way of connecting to thoughts—memories most of all.  That is what makes them all the more intense.  Memories that we deem “good”, keep us in a state of wishfullness.  If we continue to label thoughts of the past as “better times” then we will apply that outlook to the present moment and CERTAINLY be unsatisfied. 

On the other hand, we may also ruminate on thoughts of the past tied up in guilt, pain, or sadness.  Again, these are all emotional ways of viewing the memories.  Admittedly, I always say: feelings are valid.  I fully believe in acknowledging them.  Though, it needs to be recognized when feelings are not serving any benefit. 

Letting Go of What We Know

In The Power of Now, Tolle conveyed the very interesting point that WE are the ones who hold onto our “painful” memories.  We create pain for ourselves by circulating the memories over and over again in our head.  A certain amount of this may be needed to come to terms with an event but, just as emotions get tied up with memories, we can easily learn to associate with pain.  Tolle calls it a “pain-body”, a sort of second skin that we let envelop us. 

Personally, the concept of a pain-body really resonated and made me realize I had been using my pain as a clutch.  Instead of working on me, I’d let myself sink into the familiar sadness of thoughts, songs, and patterns that perpetuated my pain.  You can read more about what this specifically entailed in this post

The point I’m trying to make here is: the associations we apply to our thoughts encourage us to remain in a state of distress.  The thoughts stay at the top of our mind and don’t allow us to successfully engage in any other task or activity with peace.  It is up to us to stop the thought-whirlpool and concentrate on living in the now.

Why Is Living in the Now So Important?

The question has certainly crossed my mind.  Though, I realize when I am preoccupied with what is coming (or what I think might be coming), I am not only detracting attention from my current task but creating significant emotional distress.  I can’t peacefully sit by myself or with company, I can’t enjoy the meal I’m eating or the movie I’m watching, or anything if I keep thinking of nonexistent moments.  The reason they are nonexistent is because they are not the now.

A little known fact about living in the now is that there is no stress or unhappiness.  The future and past do not exist here so there is no need to carry thoughts of either into the now.  The present moment offers peace. 

More appropriately, the present moment, when you really tune in, just is.

living in the now

The perspective I offer in this post has largely come from an immense amount of self-exploration and the influential teachings of Eckhart Tolle.  If anything I’ve mentioned piques your interest even a bit, I highly recommend checking out his book, The Power of Now.

You guys are magical!  Thank you for being here!  I’d love to hear what ways you try to implement mindfulness to better enjoy living in the now.



WomanCode Four Day Reset Review

WomanCode Four Day Reset Review

If you’ve been here before, you know that I’m a huge fan of the WomanCode book by Alisa Vitti.  It has dramatically changed the way I treat and honor my body.  The FLO Living protocol is also what helped me bring back my period after months of missed periodsWhen you first read the book, Alisa recommends to start with her 4 Day Reset to jump start the cleansing process for the liver and hormones.  I actually felt that I ate pretty well and did not do it when I read the book back in summer 2017.  It wasn’t until about two weeks ago that I had the tipping point that made me consider trying the Reset. 

I felt like my body wasn’t livable anymore.  My insides were so sluggish and my skin was breaking out.  I was stressed from work and eating way too many carbs.  My body didn’t know how to react in the mornings when I’d wake or what to crave at what hour of the day.  Everything felt so out of sync so the 4 Day Reset was just what I needed.

womancode reset meals

Originally, I feared the Reset would not provide me enough food.  It is A LOT less food than I’m used to eating but, then again, I was already eating too much of food that was not fueling me for my needs.  Breakfasts each day of the Reset were mixed fruit bowls filled with chopped apple, pear, or berries.  Plus, an optional green juice which I used as a mid-morning snack.  I’ve got to say, breakfast was the hardest meal to deal with.  I was on the verge of a headache and STARVED by the time 12 o’clock lunchtime rolled around.  

womancode reset meals

Reset Time

I filled my lunchtime meals with HUGE bowls of greens and that helped keep me pretty content, along with lentils and quinoa.  I followed the vegan option of using beans but the Reset also allows for fish to be included as a protein source.  The lunchtime kale salad, the spring mix salad were both delicious and quite hearty.

womancode reset meals

Mid-afternoon called for a snack of fruit or chopped veggies.  Vitti says another serving of lunch or dinner was acceptable but I preferred to eat a green apple, slices of cucumber, or carrots.  Snacking on these reminded me of how satisfying simple vegetables and fruit can be.

I followed the WomanCode recipes for the dishes so that I was following the plan as closely as possible.    The collard greens recipe was a delicious one that I saved for a side dish to my Veggie Soup at dinner.  I would toss in some more dried herbs next time because the soup was a little poor-tasting on its own.  I also preferred to add a bit of lentils to the veggie soup to make it more filling.

womancode reset meals

Here is a little breakdown of how I felt and what I noticed each day:

Day1 : Low on energy lacking in fuel.  On the verge of irritable and hangry.  Fatigue and lightheadedness were present.  My skin was the reason I started the cleanse and my face was red, broken out, and irritated.

Day 2: Calm but walking the line between energized and lightheaded. Mentally hungry for my next meal.

Day 3: Calm and managing to keep my energy stable.  Hungry for my meals but not starved.

Day 4: Happy to be eating slightly more.  Content with meals but understanding that I don’t need to eat SO MUCH.  My skin had slightly less redness and inflammation was down.

So, was the Reset worth it? 

The verdict is: yes!  I have never in my life done a cleanse or detox of any sort.  The meals in the 4 Day Reset are not meant to be long-term but they are sustainable over the course of a few days. 

What also made the Reset a great experience were the messages to help work on different aspects of health.  These were reminders to eat slower, get rid of items I no longer use, and how to self-care—just to name a few.  The activities complimented the cleanse perfectly.  It reignited my understanding of principles like taking my time and moving more slowly.  When I move slowly, I can better take in my surroundings and my needs. 

Days and weeks later, I notice my skin still has the acne issue but without the inflammation that was evident prior to the Reset.  I did not anticipate that my digestion would receive grand changes but it improved dramatically!  Never have I been more regular or “light”.  I feel like my body has a better handle on how to manage itself and how to process what I fuel it with. 

If you’re interested in a hormonal detox then give the WomanCode Reset a try.  The book has also been a lifesaver for me in getting my period back.  See my FLO Living series here!  I can vouch for the positive effects and tools it brought to my life and I hope this post is helpful for anyone considering this route (especially with the all the hoopla of the holidays).

Best wishes, my friends!

Oral Health Care Routine & Oral Essentials Oral Care Products Review

Oral Health Care Routine & Oral Essentials Oral Care Products Review

All day long I’m either eating or snacking—and in between those moments I’m brushing my teeth.  The last thing I want is to stack food smells and flavors in my mouth.  As much as the food I eat is important to me, so is clean, fresh breath.  I brush my teeth three times a day so I realized that the oral care products I’m using so frequently should be chemical-free and as natural as possible.  For this reason, I’ve been on the hunt for toothpaste that meets those standards and aligns with my values.

Why Brush Your Teeth? 

I carry around a toothbrush and mini toothpaste in my purse that way I never miss an opportunity to brush!  It’s so important to me but I know not everyone makes it a priority.  Here are a couple of incentives that make me motivated to brush my teeth:

Clean Mouth Feeling

Oral Hygiene

Fresh Breath

Bonus: It curbs the desire to snack or graze needlessly.

oral health care routine and products

My Background in Oral Care

The first time I ever went to the dentist in my life was at age 12.  Prior to that, my family didn’t have dental insurance and felt we would be fine without the annual dentist check-ups.  Despite that, my mom instilled the importance of teeth-brushing from the very beginning.

As a kid, I’d hate to eat something after I had just brushed my teeth.  It distressed me to ruin the clean, minty fresh feeling that brushing my teeth achieved.  Flash forward to my first dentist visit and I was cavity-free.  Yes, CAVITY-FREE after 12 years of never seeing a dentist.  Young Melanie sure ate a lot of sweets daily so I can’t attribute my results to an impeccable diet.  I say it came from a great oral health care routine: brushing my teeth after any meal.

I’m not a dentist or registered anything but, from personal experience, I know teeth-brushing is important for cavity prevention and oral health overall.  That is, the action of effectively cleaning debris off teeth helps prevent build up that can lead to tooth decay.  Unfortunately, oral care products often have fluoride and other elements that I don’t want to ingest or have in my mouth, even in small amounts.

oral health care routine and products

Fluoride and What Else to Avoid in Oral Health Care Products

Perhaps you might remember being a child in elementary school and being provided a cup of fluoride to swoosh around in your mouth during recess.  Or was that just at my school?  Maybe your city or state utilizes water-fluoridization.  The idea behind both is that fluoride is helpful to clean teeth and people, children especially, need more help in that department.  Though, recent research, which collated the use of fluoride in water across multiple countries, demonstrated miniscule decreases from its use.  If anything, a scientific review of fluoride in drinking water is shown to be a potential endocrine disruptor and that is the last thing I personally want in my body.  Particularly when hormonal balance is a major concern of mine.

Thus, I am happy to bring to light a company that produces oral health care products free of fluoride.  Oral Essentials toothpaste and mouthwash range are completely chemical-free and non-toxic. In addition, the products are made without dyes, preservatives, alcohol, glycerin, or SLS (a shady ingredient even found in household cleaners)!

Why I Like Oral Essentials

What is in Oral Essentials products, then?  Their brand utliizes the natural exfoliating power of Dead Sea salt.  Other ingredients worth mentioning are coconut oil, aloe vera, non-GMO xylitol, and essential oils.  All of these ingredients are familiar, safe, and allow me to continue my oral care routine without worry.

I tried out the Whitening toothpaste and mouthwash, Sensitivity toothpaste and mouthwash, Dry Mouth mouthwash, and Original formula toothpaste.  I honestly cannot differentiate between the products as far as effectiveness goes.  Though, I can feel a difference in the cleanliness of my mouth in comparison to my old toothpaste.  It wasn’t until I started using Oral Essentials that I realized how traditional toothpaste leaves a slippery film on my teeth.  I would sometimes double brush my teeth because I just didn’t feel like my mouth was clean enough after the first brushing.  Not anymore.

Simply one brushing with Oral Essentials toothpaste leaves my teeth feeling residue-free and clean.  While there are a few choices, the toothpastes are all quite similar.  They each feel slightly dry from the sea salt but there is no gritty feeling.  Unlike the typical store-bought brand, Oral Essentials toothpaste is not thick and goopy, and it dissolves quickly.  At first, I found myself using a little bit more toothpaste than I would normally use.  The light-mouth feel and thinner consistency of the toothpastes are different than what I am used to.  I now use a small amount and that serves to efficiently remove any bit of gunk I may have on my teeth.  I pair it with the mouthwash for an even fresher, sting-free clean feeling!

oral health care routine and products

My Oral Essentials Product Variety of Choice

When it comes to the product line varieties, I enjoy the original and sensitivity formulas the most.  I do not have a tooth sensitivity issue but the flavor and feel of the original and sensitivity line are most similar to what I previously had in toothpaste.  The whitening variety made with lemon peel is a bit zingy for me, though it is not harsh!  I should mention that each Oral Essentials product is designed to be suitable for sensitive mouths.  Therefore, each product is non-irritating and safe for frequent, daily use.

I could definitely see myself continuing use of Oral Essentials toothpaste and mouthwash.  Any of the varieties are great and I’m proud to recommend these non-toxic products.  I hope my review is helpful if you are also interested in natural products. 🙂

oral health care routine and products

DISCLAIMER: The Oral Essentials product review is completely my own opinion.  I am not under any obligation to promote or endorse their products.  I truly enjoyed them so I just want to share my review.

Snack Bars Showdown: My Favorite Healthy Bars

Snack Bars Showdown: My Favorite Healthy Bars

Less than a year ago, I used to consider snacks to be something you eat if you’re waiting on a meal.  So, if I was 30 minutes away from lunch time then I’d contemplate suffering through my hunger for a bit longer or give in to a snack to tide me over.

I have a very different outlook on snacks now!  I’ve still got my main meals of breakfast, lunch, and dinner; I just include an extra snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon.  Sometimes I’m hungry and WAITING for that snack or sometimes I’ve got a mild craving and the snack helps satisfy that.  Either way, snacks are a part of my daily routine.

I like making my own snacks, like these no-bake almond coconut bars, but there are a number of packaged snack bars that I love taking on the go.  They are great options when you accidentally forgot to pack your homemade snack or if you need something that is not easily perishable.  I’ll dive into my favorite bars and flavors and also offer protein and sugar comparisons because that’s something I watch out for in bars.  The closer the protein to sugar ratio is, the less chance I’ll spike my blood sugar.  Please, feel free to let me know your thoughts on these bars or any others you like that I didn’t mention here.

My Favorite Snack Bars

Square Organics

squareorganics snack bars

If you’ve spent a short time on Instagram then you’ve probably seen or heard of these bars.  Square Organics bars are chocolate-coated crispy bars packed with vegan protein and hints of flavors.  I love the coconut and cherry coconut flavors but you can’t go wrong with any of them.  You can expect 12g of plant-based brown rice protein, and an equal amount of sugar from low-glycemic coconut nectar and cane syrup.  One of the best ratios I’ve ever seen in a snack bar.

You can buy these bars online or at places like Vitamin Shoppe.

Clif Nut Butter Filled Energy Bars

Unlike traditional clif bars, these energy bars taste like soft biscuits with a creamy nut butter center.  Each bar has an awesome 7g of protein!  I like the coconut almond butter flavor which has 9g of sugar in each bar.  These are surprisingly filling and really great at keeping me sane when I’m super hungry!  These bars are also organic and come in 7 different flavors.  I can’t wait to try the blueberry almond butter variety.

I find these at any major-chain grocer like Walmart and Target.

bRAW Bars

I mentioned bRAW in my May Wrap-Up post so you know I’m already a fan.  These do need to be kept in the refrigerator but taste just fine after being in my purse for 2-3 hours.  They are a little high calorie but all of the goodness of these bars comes from nuts and seeds!  My favorite almond crunch flavor has 9g of protein and 7g of sugar.  Another excellent ratio!  The other flavors: super green, coconut macadamia, and chocolate espresso have similar protein to sugar ratios.

These can be a little hard to find but check out their store locator or shop online!

Go Macro bars

My oh, my!  If you are in the market for the perfect organic nutrition bar, then look no further than Go Macro Bars.  They are vegan, soy-free, non-GMO, and gluten-free.  Some varieties like my favorite Balanced Goodness, contain 5g of protein and 12g of sugar.  Though, there are high protein varieties as well, like Everlasting Joy, which has 10g of protein and 12g of sugar.  I believe each bar has a base of nut butter, brown rice syrup, and puffed brown rice.  They are super chewy, lightly sweet, and so satisfying.

You can shop online or use their store locator to find retail locations near you.

ALOHA Protein Bars

aloha protein snack bars

I like using ALOHA’s organic, plant-based protein powder in my smoothies so I had high hopes before tasting these.  I’ve got to say, they are pretty darn good.  They have 11-12g of sugar in each bar and a whopping 18g of protein.  Yet, in my experience, they don’t weigh me down—which could be problematic in a snack.  That being said, these bars are likely made with ALOHA’s classic protein powder blend which can be a bit chalky.  That chalkiness is subtle in the bars and does not distract from the taste in the flavors I’ve tried: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip and Fudge Brownie.  Online you can find the complete flavor variety of protein bars (just stay away from the Dark Chocolate Coconut Snack Bar—yuck!) but the in-store selection will vary .

ALOHA protein bars can be found at Target or purchased through the ALOHA website.

LARABAR Original

What’s a snack bar list without LARABARS?  The company has quite the selection of products but I still find myself reaching for their original fruit and nut bar!  Flavors like Cashew Cookie, Apple Pie, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, and Blueberry Muffin are all so good.  Unlike the other bars on this list, the protein to sugar ratio is a little skewed but I don’t find that they cause blood sugar spikes for me.  The bars nutrition content varies by flavor but they contain anywhere between 4-6g of protein and 12-20g of sugar.  The main ingredient in each bar is dates, which have a fair amount of fiber.  Plus, tag on the fat from the nuts and that helps keep the sugar punch down.

Find these at Target, Walmart, or

RX Bars*

rx bars snack

A friend passed along some RX bars to me not long ago so I decided to give them a try.  I prefer plant-based nutrition bars but these aren’t half bad.  They are sort of like LARABARS but much firmer and higher in protein.  The egg-whites make these filling bars have a slight off-taste to me but I think it’s easy to get past.  Flavors like Mint Chocolate Chip and Blueberry are tasty choices

I haven’t spotted these in stores near me but they are available to purchase on the RX Bar website.

KIND Bars*

I’m not ranking snack bars from favorite to least but the kind bars are probably the bar I choose least out of all featured here.  Basically, KIND bars are the adult version of a granola bar.  Also, these gluten-free bars don’t use oats but rather: nuts, dried fruit, and sometimes crispy brown rice for texture.  While they taste good, some questionable ingredients like palm kernel oil or even the soy isolate/soy lecithin (which is in each bar), keep me from eating them regularly.  The bars usually have at least 5g of protein but upwards of 10g of sugar.  The healthy grains variety is also tasty but only contains 2 or so grams of protein.  I’d say, be mindful when picking out bars and go for the Nuts and Spices line which are lower in sugar.  The best choices in my opinion are the Dark Chocolate Mocha Almond or Cashew Ginger and Spice.

Find them at Walmart, Target, gas stations, or online.  In stores, they are sometimes available individually near the check-out stand, too.

This list is definitely not comprehensive of all the snack bars out there but just some standouts from what I’ve tried.  I’m always looking for nutritious snack bar options so if there’s something you like that I didn’t mention, let me know!  I hope to update or add to this list in the future as I discover new favorite bars. 🙂

favorite snack bars

*The KIND bars and RX bars are the only snack bar options on the list that aren’t vegan-friendly.  I chose to include them because I have tried them and both are fairly good options.  RX bars are filling and offer excellent protein.  KIND bars are widely available and therefore a decent option if you occasionally need to grab a quick snack while out or on-the-go.

Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me by Lily Collins Book Review

Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me by Lily Collins Book Review

Earlier this year, in March, Lily Collins published an autobiographical book on what she calls her deepest unshared secrets.  Collins presents a number of both unique and relatable experiences from her childhood in Unfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me.  She encourages readers to follow in suit and open up about their own struggles, quirks, and stories.  The sooner we can do that, the sooner we can live life with a better, more loving version of ourselves.

unfiltered lily collins quote

What I Knew Before Reading Unfiltered:

I have always viewed Lily Collins as the epitome of elegance, class, and free-spirited perfection.  While she certainly is, there is much more about her life and story that I didn’t know.  Just like Anna Kendrick, whose self-written book Scrappy Little Nobody I also reviewed here, Collins is a young Hollywood actress who has made a mark on the millennial generation, to say the least.  Collins’ list of acting gigs is short but I knew she would have something meaningful to say beyond actor life.

I remember first seeing Lily Collins on Nickelodeon (back when Nickelodeon and Disney Channel were the only channels I would watch) reporting on the presidential election of 2008.  From Unfiltered, I’ve learned her journalism interests go much further than that.  As a young girl, she wanted to see others her own age represented in media and writing.  During teen years, she used her skills to report live on TV for Nickeloden and in writing for magazines like Elle Girl UK.  With this in mind, Unfiltered targets an audience of similar age to her.  More on this later.

unfiltered lily collins quote

What I Like About Unfiltered

Unfiltered is inspirational as it starts each chapter with a quote pulled from the chapter’s content.  Each chapter takes on a different topic or lesson.  Put together, they have helped shape Lily Collins into who she is today.  It is not the most original concept for a celebrity-written book but it is full of fun facts about Collins.  She touches on her childhood, life in the UK and LA, and reveals details about the eating disorder that she kept well-hidden all these years.  It means so much to read her thoughts on surviving her most challenging times growing up.

Collins’ book reads like a girl friend or older sister comfortably talking about obstacles that teens and young adults face.  She takes on a mentor-like role to explain the lessons she has learned and the advice she wishes to provide.  She genuinely hopes to touch others with what she has gone through and offer helpful suggestions as well as a glimmer of hope that things get better.  Such moments are conveyed in chapters like My Battle For Perfection or Food As Fuel, Not Punishment.

Who Should Read Unfiltered:

While her book seems most appropriate for teens to young adults, adults beyond her age could still enjoy it.  It is fascinating to read Collins’ stories and recollections about notable moments in her young life–including an “unfiltered” look at her relationship with her dad.  I’m only a few years her junior, so I could relate to some experiences she had growing up.  The ones that I couldn’t relate to still shed light on a new perspective for me.

Celebrity news junkies, movie buffs, fans, or casual observers of Lily Collins could enjoy this book.  I think Unfiltered offers a valuable perspective about someone’s life that may appear picture perfect but isn’t.  Though, there is no pity involved, only empowerment.  A glimpse into Lily Collins’ reality is one worth checking out.

unfiltered lily collins quote


Live Nomva Smoothie Packs Review

Live Nomva Smoothie Packs Review

Recently, I got the opportunity to sample several of Live Nomva’s probiotic smoothie packs.  These little packs are pure health pureed into a drinkable form.  I find them perfect for on-the-go and also an easy way to squeeze (literally!) some healthy fruits and veggies into my day.

I tried out the following smoothie pack flavors:






At the time I tried these out, they had not yet release their ISLANDTIME flavor.   Nonetheless, I really liked the flavors I did try!  They’re basically like applesauce in texture but better! The packs are made with awesome ingredients ranging from banana to kale to apples to quinoa.

To begin with, the TROPICARROT flavor was probably my favorite.  It is made of pineapple, carrot, mango, and pear.  Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of how I used that pack because I literally guzzled that baby down in a minute because it was that good!  For all of the other flavors (that I could exercise a bit more restraint with) I managed to take some pictures:

STRAWNANA Live Nomva Smoothie Pack Chia Pudding Parfait

The STRAWNANA flavor went excellently in a coconut chia pudding, granola, and strawberries parfait that I put together.

EVERBERRY Live Nomva Smoothie Pack Chia Pudding Parfait

I also used their EVERBERRY flavor as a layer in yet another chia pudding parfait.  I mixed in some Puffins cereal, strawberries, and kiwi this time.  Super yum!

Admittedly, you could make your own smoothie and use that in a parfait but it’s hard to make just a small amount of smoothie.  So, these packs are the perfect size!!  I love adding the Nomva smoothie packs to parfaits and other concoctions but they are so delicious on their own.  Plus, they are free from dairy, tree nuts, preservatives, or anything funky.  Pure organic fruit and vegetables + vegan friendly probiotics!

Let’s talk about the probiotics for a sec.  As a mostly plant-based eater, I do not consume yogurt regularly.  That used to be my main source of probiotics.  Sometimes I drink kombucha or eat sauerkraut but these Live Nomva smoothies are totally easy and safe to consume daily because they are made with wholesome, organic produce.  Now, I can get behind that.

Live Nomva KALE YEAH: Productivity Fuel

Twice, I tried the KALE YEAH flavor on an occasion when I felt like I needed a pick-me-up but my stomach was feeling a bit off.  All of the nutritious ingredients and probiotics definitely helped me feel reenergized!

Check out the Live Nomva website to see more about their smoothie pack flavors and find out where you can buy them locally.  I believe you can even get a $1 off coupon to try out their product when you visit their website.

Have you guys tried the Nomva smoothie packs?  If so, what did you think?  As always, I’d love to hear your opinions.




DISCLAIMER: The Live Nomva smoothie packs were sent to me as a giveaway prize package.  I am not under any obligation to promote or endorse this product.  I truly enjoyed them so I just want to share my review.