Coming Back to Art

Coming Back to Art

Throughout the past year, I’ve been diving more and more into art.Ā  The funny thing is, when I was a kid, I was always drawing, coloring, taking photos, gluing things together, doing all the crafts!Ā  So, what happened?Ā  As I got older, the only creative outlet I utilized became choosing the color for my powerpoint presentation background.Ā  I don’t want to say: school happened.Ā  I mean, traditional educational systems prioritize math, english, history, and science more than art.Ā  That’s why photography, ceramics, music, or any type of art class counts toward “elective” credits instead of mandatory requirements.Ā  Not that art should be mandatory but it certainly shouldn’t be viewed as secondary or inferior.Ā  Now that, I think, speaks to more of a larger societal phenomenon than simply the school systems.Ā 

When you’re an artist, you automatically grow up with the odds against you.šŸ–Œ

Others may love what you create but there is still the š“ˆš“Šš’·š“š’¾š“‚š’¾š“ƒš’¶š“ š“‚š‘’š“ˆš“ˆš’¶š‘”š’¾š“ƒš‘” that you’ll need to find “š™– š™§š™šš™–š™” š™Ÿš™¤š™—” at some point. Or, at least, make sure you have a planĀ šŸ™„ to fall back on.Ā  All while inferring that art cannot support you or be a source of income enough to support you the way a traditional job is supposed to.Ā  What can and cannot support a person isn’t guaranteed and holding the kind of job your parent wants for you isn’t necessarily going to be the safe, secure job they imagine either.Ā  This is besides my point.

If you happened to grow up never feeling creative suppression from parents/school/societal conditioning /other systems then that’s greatĀ šŸ™ŒĀ and more power to ya but I don’t believe this is common (at least in the U.S.).šŸ‘€

I know š•”š•£š•–š•’š•„š•šš•Ÿš•˜ š•šš•¤ š•žš•Ŗ š•Øš•’š•Ŗ š• š•— š•–š•©š•”š•£š•–š•¤š•¤š•šš• š•Ÿ. šŸ—Æ

I’ve rotated between drawing, writing, performing arts, audio and visual media throughout my life. Silly me thought I could just set these aside and focus on chasing the money and that would satisfy me. šŸ’øĀ šŸ˜… Have I mentioned thatĀ I do have a tendency to go heavy on an š’‚š’š’-š’š’“-š’š’š’•š’‰š’Šš’š’ˆ attitude.

In learned that cutting out my creative outlets–basically only doing the very occasional creative, fun, hands-on project–made me feel empty. I felt cut off from my purpose and, even worse, I cut off my voice. šŸ’¬ In my most closed-off state, I even acquired a sore throat šŸ˜· (when I š’š’†š’—š’†š’“ get sick).Ā 

To get spiritual for a sec here, the throat chakra (one of 7 main centers in the chakra system in our bodies) isn’t just used for talking, it’s the communication center.Ā  Although art is creative, it is also expressive.Ā  I used my art as a way to share my thoughts and feelings.Ā  So this just confirms that art is as important to my well-being as much as food, movement, and sunlight.Ā  Note to self: I definitely need to write a post on this, too! šŸŒž

I’m always working on finding a balance between these areas of my life because I don’t believe they need to be mutually exclusive.Ā  Earning a *more than decent income* being a creator or artists is possible!

For anyone else who does creative work (yes, it is work, whether or not you get paid for it) I see you, and your work demands to be seen. If you believe in your work, then it has value; it’s as simple as that.

Go after it.

Prioritize it.

Show the world art matters.


Too Good To Be True

Too Good To Be True

Itā€™s funny to think of how nothing in our world is one set way.Ā  I used to think challenges were a necessary part of anything I would embark on.Ā  Yet, I also believe the total opposite.Ā  There is something to be said for the times when things fall into place so effortlessly that you wonder how sane or safe the situation is.Ā  I used to wonder if the latter case meant the universe is playing a trick on me.

I am not one for games and I donā€™t think the universe is either.Ā  It is my belief that we are led to where we need to be as long as we keep our eyes open.Ā  The signs are here amongst us but we need to know what to look for.Ā  Signals can be confusing, especially when our lives are oftentimes so busy, but that is why I find it essential to recognize how I feel.Ā 

Iā€™m not frequently introspective but simply taking note of how things make me feel is a game-changer.Ā  It sounds obvious, like, of course I know how things make me feel.Ā  Though, Iā€™m talking about on that deeper level of recognizing when a person, topic, or situation affects you.Ā 

People in your life that support and inspire you are worthwhile and necessary.Ā  People that donā€™t make you feel good donā€™t have to be in your lifeā€”adjust accordingly. Ā Ideas that make you uncomfortable may be sore spots to work out.Ā  When the thought of something fills you with emotion, consider how that serves you.Ā  Life, months, weeks, and days are filled with situations.Ā  Short and longer term situations are experiences if we can only see the avenues for expansion.Ā 

Look back on what you were doing a year ago.Ā  Were you living somewhere else?Ā  Did you change jobs or pick up different hobbies?Ā  Maybe youā€™ve learned how much you can take, emotionally, and where your limits are.Ā 

I feel that, once you take the time to learn about yourself in that way, life just begins to flow.Ā  My life isnā€™t perfect but it is flowing right now.Ā  Iā€™m not even close to where I am meant to be and there is still so much more I hope/plan to do but Iā€™m thankful that I can see that.Ā 

This is a bit of a different and, perhaps, odd post but I hope sharing my thoughts can resonate with you if you wonder about how to tap into those universal signs.Ā  Check-in with yourself OFTEN and A LOT and there is no limit to the possibilities that may unfold.

Love and light to you allā™„Ā 

Not Good Enough: The All or Nothing Attitude

Not Good Enough: The All or Nothing Attitude

Sometimes I feel like my Type A personality gets the most of me.Ā  I have a very motivated attitude so rest doesnā€™t come easy for me and Iā€™m happiest when I can be productive.

At nighttime, when I look back on my day, I deem it a good day or a bad day based on what I accomplished. Ā If I tackled some chores, meal-prepped, applied to jobs, or knocked off things from my to-do list, then, it was a good day.Ā  Other occasions, the day seems to escape me and I donā€™t do any of that.Ā  If, for example, I couldnā€™t get the workout in that I wanted and instead sat around; if I browsed the internet too much; or, if I leisurely watched a movie, then, I deem it a bad day.

I have a vision of what I want my day to look like so I am frustrated with myself when Iā€™m not making productive choices that help put my vision into action.Ā  Not being productive = bad day.Ā  So, I try to prevent the bad days from happening by pep talking myself through the choices I make with words like:

You can do this.

Try harder.

Push yourself.

Others can do this so why canā€™t you?

Toughen up.

Youā€™re not doing enough.

Do these words provide motivation?Ā  Maybeā€¦but, one day, I realized my pep talks were more like demands.Ā  The word choice was not coming from a place of encouragement but punishment.Ā  Then, I found myself frequently saying words like:

Youā€™re not good enough.

And so I tried harder. Ā I tried to keep myself from falling into the trap of unproductive days so that I wouldnā€™t feel bad about myself and so that I wouldnā€™t think such hateful things about myself.Ā  Still, it happened.

For periods of time, I would feel fine.Ā  For even longer periods, I continued to fall in the giant well of negative attitude and hurtful self-talk until I was drowning in problems.Ā  I still had the same chores, I still had no job, my abs still didn’t pop, and I still had that to-do list with items that continued to stack up.Ā  Where did that leave me?Ā  I was frustrated, angry, and disappointed in myself.

It took a while but I realized that I should not have to feel that way.Ā Ā  Things are always going to come up.Ā  If itā€™s not one problem, itā€™s another.Ā  Yet, problems and tasks canā€™t be what controls my life.

I allowed myself to take on more work and exercise at an unhealthy level.Ā  That is when the problems surfaced even more.Ā  Slowly, I came to terms with the fact that I was overexerting myself.Ā  As far as exercise goes, I overexerted myself because that was an area I could control. Ā Even though I felt like I wasnā€™t accomplishing enough, I still had the desire to be the champion of something!Ā  I felt the need to DO MORE so that I could feel fulfilled.Ā  My mentality was: if I didnā€™t do it ALL then I might as well be doing NOTHING.Ā  If I didnā€™t push myself to the point of being burnt out, I might as well not do X thing in the first place.Ā  It’s a sick way of thinking.

Temporarily, I lost the ability to tell what my body needed or what my overall self needed.Ā  My mind wasnā€™t even conscious of this because I trained myself to be on GO, GO, GO mode all the time.Ā  Thankfully, these days are different.Ā  Iā€™m not saying I canā€™t ever fall into the all or nothing attitude again.Ā  I could.Ā  In fact, I almost feel guilty when I want to indulge myself with that self-nurturing time.Ā  It seems like so many people donā€™t take time for themselves and, yet, they still get things done.Ā  Though, Iā€™ve learned I canā€™t keep comparing myself to others.

If I feel like I need a break or want to say no to extra work that will only stress me out, Iā€™ll do it.Ā  That is because Iā€™ve recognized how good I can also feel when I take the time for myself to foster my own personal health and well-being.Ā  If that sounds selfish then so be it.Ā  Besides, not every moment of every day can be occupiedā€”nor should it be.Ā  So I would rather fill up the time with what will enhance my spirit.Ā  I know when I allow myself to rest and recharge, Iā€™m a better version of me.

not good enough all or nothing attitude

I wrote this post because I see so many others pushing themselves for work, jobs, fitness, and more.Ā  Consequently, I wanted to keep up and do it all, too!Ā  Maybe I can, one day, but nothing has to happen all at once.Ā  I believe that there is a middle ground where I can comfortably fit between the extremes of doing it all and doing nothing.Ā  I havenā€™t got it all figured out yet but I know that I canā€™t do any of it without making me a priority.Ā  Right now, the attitude I have is that I am enough and I am doing my best.