WomanCode Four Day Reset Review

WomanCode Four Day Reset Review

If you’ve been here before, you know that I’m a huge fan of the WomanCode book by Alisa Vitti.  It has dramatically changed the way I treat and honor my body.  The FLO Living protocol is also what helped me bring back my period after months of missed periodsWhen you first read the book, Alisa recommends to start with her 4 Day Reset to jump start the cleansing process for the liver and hormones.  I actually felt that I ate pretty well and did not do it when I read the book back in summer 2017.  It wasn’t until about two weeks ago that I had the tipping point that made me consider trying the Reset. 

I felt like my body wasn’t livable anymore.  My insides were so sluggish and my skin was breaking out.  I was stressed from work and eating way too many carbs.  My body didn’t know how to react in the mornings when I’d wake or what to crave at what hour of the day.  Everything felt so out of sync so the 4 Day Reset was just what I needed.

womancode reset meals

Originally, I feared the Reset would not provide me enough food.  It is A LOT less food than I’m used to eating but, then again, I was already eating too much of food that was not fueling me for my needs.  Breakfasts each day of the Reset were mixed fruit bowls filled with chopped apple, pear, or berries.  Plus, an optional green juice which I used as a mid-morning snack.  I’ve got to say, breakfast was the hardest meal to deal with.  I was on the verge of a headache and STARVED by the time 12 o’clock lunchtime rolled around.  

womancode reset meals

Reset Time

I filled my lunchtime meals with HUGE bowls of greens and that helped keep me pretty content, along with lentils and quinoa.  I followed the vegan option of using beans but the Reset also allows for fish to be included as a protein source.  The lunchtime kale salad, the spring mix salad were both delicious and quite hearty.

womancode reset meals

Mid-afternoon called for a snack of fruit or chopped veggies.  Vitti says another serving of lunch or dinner was acceptable but I preferred to eat a green apple, slices of cucumber, or carrots.  Snacking on these reminded me of how satisfying simple vegetables and fruit can be.

I followed the WomanCode recipes for the dishes so that I was following the plan as closely as possible.    The collard greens recipe was a delicious one that I saved for a side dish to my Veggie Soup at dinner.  I would toss in some more dried herbs next time because the soup was a little poor-tasting on its own.  I also preferred to add a bit of lentils to the veggie soup to make it more filling.

womancode reset meals

Here is a little breakdown of how I felt and what I noticed each day:

Day1 : Low on energy lacking in fuel.  On the verge of irritable and hangry.  Fatigue and lightheadedness were present.  My skin was the reason I started the cleanse and my face was red, broken out, and irritated.

Day 2: Calm but walking the line between energized and lightheaded. Mentally hungry for my next meal.

Day 3: Calm and managing to keep my energy stable.  Hungry for my meals but not starved.

Day 4: Happy to be eating slightly more.  Content with meals but understanding that I don’t need to eat SO MUCH.  My skin had slightly less redness and inflammation was down.

So, was the Reset worth it? 

The verdict is: yes!  I have never in my life done a cleanse or detox of any sort.  The meals in the 4 Day Reset are not meant to be long-term but they are sustainable over the course of a few days. 

What also made the Reset a great experience were the messages to help work on different aspects of health.  These were reminders to eat slower, get rid of items I no longer use, and how to self-care—just to name a few.  The activities complimented the cleanse perfectly.  It reignited my understanding of principles like taking my time and moving more slowly.  When I move slowly, I can better take in my surroundings and my needs. 

Days and weeks later, I notice my skin still has the acne issue but without the inflammation that was evident prior to the Reset.  I did not anticipate that my digestion would receive grand changes but it improved dramatically!  Never have I been more regular or “light”.  I feel like my body has a better handle on how to manage itself and how to process what I fuel it with. 

If you’re interested in a hormonal detox then give the WomanCode Reset a try.  The book has also been a lifesaver for me in getting my period back.  See my FLO Living series here!  I can vouch for the positive effects and tools it brought to my life and I hope this post is helpful for anyone considering this route (especially with the all the hoopla of the holidays).

Best wishes, my friends!

Storytime: How I Lost My Period and Got it Back + My 3 Tips!

Storytime: How I Lost My Period and Got it Back + My 3 Tips!

I used to be the girl with the perfect period. In my school years, my friends would talk about missing periods, backaches, cramps, acne, and other uncomfortable period symptoms. My period would come and go in a few short days but I never had problems. Until a few years ago, when I lost my period.

When that happened, I read anything I could find online from WebMD, to small blogs, and even random online forums to just get as much information as I could about why this was happening to me. Admittedly, I know what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for everyone else. The advice I found online was just to eat more or cut out exercise completely but neither of those felt right to me. For nearly two years, I lived without my natural period but I finally found a method that works. My hope is to share my experiences and possibly be a resource to someone else who is struggling with the same problem.

Melanie Tries to Get Fit

First, I’m going to take us back to summer 2015 when I was bright-eyed college student looking for a distraction. I was taking an online class and wanted an activity to break up all of the sitting-at-my-computer-work. Throughout my life, I was never into exercise but, now, I thought it would help me channel my pent up energy and get fit at the same time. I found Tone it Up on YouTube and spent any time I wasn’t working on schoolwork getting sweaty 😉

In fact, I started spending an obscene amount of time working out. I would exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Each day, I would kill 3-4 Tone it Up workout videos like: HIIT, a total body workout, arms, and an ab video. I felt the exercise high for the first time in my life and overdid it big time. I was working out at a high intensity (especially for someone who used to be a couch potato) and consistently did this each day for two months.

Lettuce Eat Low Calorie

Here is the cherry on top: you know how I said I knew nothing about exercise? I also knew zilch about nutrition. Basically, I was aware of calories and I knew that people who wanted to lose weight needed to eat less calories. So, I stayed away from any food with fat and calorie-dense carbs. I used an app called MyFitnessPal on and off to track my calorie intake. It served me well and my proudest days (at the time) were ones where I had calories remaining so therefore I was in a deficit. At the end of a day, on MyFitnessPal, the words “If every day were like today you’d weigh…” came onto the screen and I would either jump for joy or punish myself if I wasn’t happy with the number.

So, to put it plainly, I exercised and starved myself into losing my period.

My disordered thoughts around eating were long-standing ones (a story for another time) but now I was exercising, too. I needed to eat way more than I was allowing myself and that took a toll. Finally, after going the summer without my period, I went to see my general practitioner in fall of 2015. She said I was just too thin and needed to eat more. My GP assured me exercise was not the problem and I just needed some fat on me to kick my body back into period mode. In the meantime, she referred me to a gynecologist who then had my hormone levels tested.

It turns out, I was low in progesterone so she gave me a prescription for progesterone contraceptive pills. I held the prescription in hand and remember asking the gynecologist if there could be any other reason as to my mysterious period absence. You know, if there was a reason, then I could try to fix it. Instead she told me I could just try eating more. In addition, the pill would help my hormone levels balance out and, in a year, we could see if my body was ready to produce a period naturally. I stayed on those pills for almost two months before I switched to an estrogen + progesterone pill. Both pills made me feel emotionally unstable but the latter ones were manageable. That is what I took for the entire year of 2016.

Although my body had a rocky adjustment, my hormones eventually evened out.  Well, evened out enough so that I didn’t feel like an emotional mess. I took the bleeding week each month as a sign that my body was having a period and all was good. Deep down, I knew I needed to make some minor changes but the contraceptive pill was enough to allow me to carry on with my fitness routine. I followed the Tone it Up workout schedules which involved lots of cardio, HIIT, and strength training most days out of the week.

While the cardio high kept me thriving, I made an effort to fuel myself with larger meals, too.  I ate a bit more but filled up my meals with lots of low-calorie fruit and splurged on desserts regularly . Looking back on it all, I thought I knew what I was doing. I was so dedicated to my workouts that I could not go a day without exercising. I was burning calories like crazy but feeding myself mostly sugar in return. Realistically, my body was exhausted and wanted a break but my mind was telling me to push forward.

So, around the month of October 2016, I dabbled in lighter workouts. I found yoga through Boho Beautiful on YouTube. Her yoga workouts were challenging but satisfying for days that I didn’t want to do a crazy hard workout. Then, I learned about Yoga with Adriene and her 30 Days of Yoga Challenge. I still did my regular Tone it Up workouts but added on a yoga video. Though, I’d look forward to the moments I’d get to do the lighter, gentler, yet invigorating yoga workouts. I started to think maybe this was what my body needed.

Come January 2017, Yoga with Adriene was doing a Yoga Revolution 31 Day challenge and I decided to quit all my other workouts to just focus on this. I strictly allowed myself one yoga video and then carried on with my day. It also seemed like the perfect time to stop taking the pill. The changes in my fitness routine encouraged me to tune into my body’s signals and something told me I would feel better without the pill.

Well, I definitely did not feel better off the pill. Without the fake hormones to assist me, I could feel my energy and emotions were all over the place. Still, I persisted.

On Instagram, I sought out others who had experienced the same and finally learned about a book called Woman Code through Lee From America. I finally checked it out for myself at the start of summer 2017. If you haven’t heard of the book, it is an incredible guide to improve and balance a woman’s hormones. The doctors I previously saw would tell me to eat more but not what to eat or when.  Or what life factors could be affecting me.  Unlike WomanCode author Alisa Vitti, they didn’t have a holistic understanding of my issues.  They were not something I could simply put a band-aid on.

I am now proud to say that after following the recommendations in the book, AKA cycle-syncing, I was able to bring my period back. 🙌

my period story

Along the way, I’ve picked up a few specific tips that worked for me:

Establish a routine

A few set patterns can really help bring balance to our bodies. Our bodies function optimally when we have a consistent schedule for our basic needs. When our bodies have reliable sleep and wake times, meal times, and even an evening relaxation time to wind down, they will know how to proceed through the day. If we are constantly skipping meals, staying up late, napping through the day, then our internal clock is thrown off.

Reduce stress

Emotional and physical stressors take a toll on our bodies. I wasn’t giving myself proper recovery time between exercise and different life factors weren’t helping. One way I alleviated stress was by adding a peaceful morning ritual of journaling and yoga each morning. I feel so much less tense and more emotionally stable when I can start my day calmly and gently.

Eat more fats instead of sugar

Fats are what help keep our blood sugar and energy levels stable. Sugar causes disruptions in that stability which then throws off our endocrine system functioning. Personally, I love sweets. I was the girl who would eat 4-5 servings of fruit a day not long ago. Fruit it not the enemy but sugar can be. I’ve since trained my taste buds to crave the richness of fats which allows me to comfortably intake less sugar. You can read more about how to begin in my post on How to Reduce Sugar In Your Life.

For women, our periods are just one sign that our bodies are functioning as they should be. Inconsistent periods can also be a sign of a deeper hormonal issue that can have a number of other repercussions. As you may have gathered from the tips, I believe our bodies are sensitive to even the smallest disruptions. If we lack a routine, are filled with stress, and further throw off our energy levels with constant sugar in food, it is no wonder a period may skip or be out of the picture for months.

Over the past few years, I tried to ignore my period problem and that didn’t benefit me. I attempted to eat more food and workout less but that wasn’t the magic ticket either. The tips I shared are probably the biggest takeaways I’ve noticed in myself. Still, I can’t recommend checking out WomanCode enough if you haven’t yet. I’ve also got a series here on my blog to journal my cycle-syncing observations when I started.

At this point, I’ve happily enjoyed a period the past two months. My monthly cycle lasts a bit longer than it should but I feel good about what I’m doing. I really believe in my tips and the WomanCode protocol to regulate my period (and hormones in consequence!). Please, feel free to reach out if you want to chat more about this. I’d love to be a resource to others who currently face these same issues.

my period story

As a disclaimer, this post is my period story.  It is not intended to diagnose or treat anyone else’s individual conditions. I’m not a medical professional and am just sharing tips that work for me.

A Healthy Lifestyle: Is It Worth It? Where I’m at Right Now.

A Healthy Lifestyle: Is It Worth It? Where I’m at Right Now.

I think it’s fair to say we all, generally-speaking, desire to live a balanced lifestyle.  Though, sometimes it seems like maneuvering such a lifestyle walks a fine line between managing a routine and increasing madness.  That’s right, I said it.  A healthy lifestyle can be hard.  As simple as it may sound to “just eat more fruit and vegetables”, that isn’t always the simple answer. 

a healthy lifestyle cauliflower rice burrito bowl

Cauliflower rice burrito bowl with black beans, tomato, carrots, corn, red onion, and cilantro.

I hold the belief that the food, exercises, behaviors, and even the thoughts we have are what determine our overall wellness.  If you’re just doing the exercise part, or, you aren’t mindfully connecting the food that you eat as being valuable to your health, then you may be missing out on some key parts of wellness.  These four areas are interconnected and, together, provide optimum health possibilities for you.  Here’s the catch: they require constant maintenance!

Recently, I began reading Alisa Vitti’s WomanCode.  The guidance outlined in the book addresses hormonal imbalance in women that perfectly aligns with the areas that I previously stated are (in my opinion) essential for overall wellness.  In addition to information about what the causes and signs of hormonal imbalance are (spoiler alert: they’re actually a lot more common than you think), Vitti provides an outline for food, exercise, and lifestyle choices that will best support women throughout their monthly cycle.  So, the adjustments that I’m currently making to sync with my cycle are my attempts to improve my health.   

a healthy lifestyle cycle calendar

Moon calendar of June which is representative of the woman’s four cycle phases.

I do believe that our bodies are ever-changing.  The sugary treats I used to eat on the regular as a kid don’t feel as good now.  Heck, even on a day-to-day basis, my mood can change and the kind of workout I am up for varies.  As far as my status of health and wellness goes, I feel pretty clear about what I want in my life and what I don’t (though, other areas of life, such as career paths, are something else).  I prefer to exclude food or activities that are toxic to my body and mind.  Instead, I’d rather place my focus on what does serve me and listen to the messages my body and mind give me. 

I started this post by saying how hard it is to keep up a healthy lifestyle.  There are several areas to juggle and sometimes it is overwhelming to keep trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Along the way, it might require taking a break from exercise or over-indulging in a restaurant-serving of pasta.  #LIFE  Trial and error sucks but the learning experiences help me reinforce why I started my health and fitness journey in the first place: to feel like my best self.    

We weren’t designed to live in one constant state or rigid daily ritual.  Rather, each day is different and each day we can learn how to better ourselves. 

a healthy lifestyle

I actually got inspiration for this thought piece from Alexis over at Hummusapien.  She recently wrote a post about her decision to live intuitively day to day.  I admire her mindset and I recommend you go check out her post for another great perspective on the whole healthy living scheme of things.

Thank you for reading!  I don’t have all of the answers (though, I’ve never claimed to) so I appreciate you for taking an interest in my thoughts and sticking around this little blog of mine.  Does the ever-changing nature of your health and fitness journey confuse you, too?  Let me know.  I love reading your comments♥