What has been on your mind lately? Do you feel preoccupied with feelings that you can’t put your finger on? We are in the midst of Cancer season, according to Western Astrology. A time for relishing in the comfort of our homes and in our hearts

If you take note of the changes from one month to the next (every 30 or so days, we are in a new astrology season) you may notice how different themes present themselves in your day to day life. This is not a coincidence. There are natural forces shifting among us in the skies and on Earth. We are only a small speck of matter—mostly water, in fact—so it is no wonder we can feel the nuances of the outside world within us.

Characteristics of Cancer Season

At this time, the sign of Cancer affects us all, regardless of what your zodiac sign is. Cancer is the cardinal sign of the water elements (the other two being Scorpio and Pisces). It is an extremely sensitive sign, often more attuned to the happenings in the home and to the emotional nature of the world at large than most people. Their deep compassion for all living things and natural intuitive tendencies make them known as the “mother” of the zodiac.

Thus, it is a brilliant time to tend to the areas in your life that need some nurturing. That could mean your social life by reconnecting with close friends in a cozy setting or revisiting old hobbies. Your professional and personal lives can also benefit from Cancer energy by taking the time to carefully go through the steps for what you’d like to accomplish. Not just running into a new project or taking on a large load all of a sudden, but integrating small pieces so that you can do this thing well and in a sustainable way.

In addition, Cancer provides a wonderful energy for encouraging inner child work and emotional clearing. If this is new terminology to you then just know that connecting to the child within you will help solidify your sense of self. Think back on what life was like when you were a child, what your motivations were, and where that persists (or no longer is present) in your life today.

Ideas for connecting you your inner child:

Go through a photo album or scrapbook from childhood

  • These provide a visual for memories you may have forgotten about

Spend time in nature

  • A walk outside or, if possible, a swim in a pool, lake, or ocean will help kindle clarity on emotions.

Meditate on an event from childhood

  • Imagine the situation playing out in a way where you get exactly what you needed

Write a letter to your childhood self

  • Pick a specific age or time in your life for the most effectiveness

Read a book from childhood

  • A short story, novel, or any book you loved as a child will look so different now

Watch a movie from childhood

  • Again, your adult eyes will see it so differently. Ideally choose a movie you haven’t seen since childhood

Listen to music from childhood

  • Dust off some records or CDS (or just YouTube music) and sing along! Disney classics anyone?

Play with pets

  • Animals directly speak to the child within us. Petting your house pets, riding a horse, or a game of fetch with your dog, to name a few ideas.

These are strange times in the world but don’t let that stop you from taking care of yourself. This Cancer season is here to remind us to look within to inspire happiness in the present. To Tap into our emotions so that we may heal any wounds and make peace with them. Try setting aside 30 minutes in the morning or winding down your day with some of the above activities. 

Feel what’s coming up and trust it. 


As a disclaimer, I am not a professional astrologer or horoscope writer. The information outlined here comes from an intuitive place and is meant to be used in combination with your own sense of intuition and lifestyle.