Friday Five: My Favorite Health and Wellness Podcasts

Friday Five: My Favorite Health and Wellness Podcasts

Are you a podcast-listener?  I can’t say I’ve always been into podcasts because only in recent years did I discover the magic that they offer.  I thought podcasts were only for NPR business folks and religious expression but that’s only a small fraction of the podcast universe.  As a matter of fact, they’re so diverse that today I’m sharing my favorite health and wellness centered podcasts.

Before we get to the list, I know there are some people out there who need some convincing.  If you have yet to get into podcasts, here are some reasons why I love them:

1. They serve as an educational tool and offer exposure to people and ideas you may not otherwise hear about

2. An episode or two in the morning or the evening helps me ease into/out of my day

3. It feels like I’m sitting in on a conversation with friends when I listen to podcasts

When I started listening to my first favorite podcast, I enjoyed knowing there were many episodes for me to listen to and jump around with as I pleased.  (Back in the day that was Stuff Mom Never Told You).  Once I caught up with all of the episodes, I took a years-long break from podcasts.

Now, I’m back at it and exploring other podcast series!  There’s a few that I keep on rotation and am siked to recommend.  I hope some of these strike your interest or encourage you to give listening to podcasts a try if you don’t already!

Soul on Fire Podcast

This high-vibe podcast started out as being an inspirational interview series between Jordan Younger, the woman behind The Balanced Blonde blog, and entrepreneurs in the health and wellness industry.  Slowly, it transitioned into more of a holistic health and spirituality podcast.  Jordan keeps it real and gives listeners some next-level vibes that I can’t say I’ve found elsewhere.  There are some stand-alone episodes that I really enjoy but you get a better feel for Jordan’s journey (and yours as you go along with her) if you listen from the beginning.

favorite health and wellness podcasts

Kalyn’s Coffee Talks 

I first became obsessed with Kalyn’s Coffee Talks on her YouTube channel.  She touches on everyday issues like anxiety, stress, time management, and more.  Kayln is young but she is extremely helpful for advice on manifesting positive life changes.  During her short but informational podcasts, she’ll talk through how a subject affects her and address the unconscious processes we may go through.  On each episode, she provides suggestions for kicking bad habits and tips for how to be your most productive and badass self.  These are GOLD.

Party in My Plants 

Talia, the host of the PiMP podcast, is a ball of energy!  She is so passionate about the benefits of plant-based foods while also providing tools to make it doable for everyone.  Her podcast episodes are very insightful because each episode narrows in on specific topics related to physical, mental, or dietary health.  The podcast is also a great resource for any and all sorts of healthy living tips you could ever want!

The Vreeken Bessa Show

This is a fairly new but awesome podcast addition to the health and wellness sphere.  My Instagram pal, Andrea, co-hosts the podcast but I’m not playing favorites here.  The Vreeken Bessa Show feels like a cozy sit-down with girlfriends discussing holistic health and women’s issues.  Some topics you may have read about or heard of before but still give the episodes a listen—the hosts put a fresh spin on them that you won’t want to miss.  The show is only a few episodes in so definitely start with the first episode. 

One Part Podcast

OPP is hosted by the amazing blogger and cookbook author Jessica Murnane.  She speaks to other bloggers, authors, scientists, and revolutionaries in different fields.  She has her own set of health issues so she does a beautiful job of bringing that to light and providing specific resources for listeners and their varied concerns.  I love how easy it is to jump around amongst episodes so if you want to dive into some random favorites of mine, check out: Episode 19: Finding Your Gift With De’Mar Hamilton of The Plain White T’s and Episode 95 Are You an Empath?+Strategies for Sensitive People with Dr. Judith Orloff.

It was very hard to keep this list at just 5 because I have a lot of podcast loves.  I’ll save my other genre of podcast faves for another day.  🙂 If you listen to podcasts, what genre do you like?  I’d love to hear any podcast recommendations!





Food Anxieties: The way emotional eating patterns are not serving you

Food Anxieties: The way emotional eating patterns are not serving you

I can speak from experience when I say: food is more than just food.  To me, food is a reminder that we are delicate ecosystems reliant on nourishment from the earth we were born out of.  It serves as fuel, medicine, and strength all-in-one.  Aside from the physical aspects, some people may find when life gets wild and unpredictable, food takes on an emotional form. (aka food anxieties develop)

In a recent post, I described some things no one tells you about going vegan.  (It’s a pretty interesting article if I do say so myself—so go check it out!)  One of the items I mentioned in the post was how a limited set of options can lead to restricted or disordered eating patterns.  While food anxieties can affect anyone, my personality type can be a bit extreme and overly controlling.  I have found, from my own experience, that my vegan preferences increase my desire to restrict food in other ways.

Why would someone want to control their food?

Simply put: food can be a clutch when other situations in life are not within your control.  In this case, food may be the only thing you really feel you can control.  When you’re sad, frustrated, bored, or experiencing any feeling, and you reach for food, you’re filling a void. 

food anxieties

Many times, emotional eating patterns can be accompanied by food phobias.  These are maybe things that you try to avoid (“off-limit” foods) but end up binging on. The off-limit foods may be ones you choose to avoid because some magazine article or fitness influencer told you they were bad.  If we hold preconceived notions of “healthiness” and desire to only eat “healthy food”, there we are experiencing orthorexia at its finest. 

Let it be known that it is possible to have a healthy relationship with food and omit foods.  If you’re able to completely stay away from a certain food or consume it as an occasional treat, without any guilt, you’re probably not dealing with disordered eating patterns! 

Tell-tale signs of disordered eating can come when food anxieties are stirred up needlessly!  A Huffington Post article describes some behaviors below:

signs of disordered eating

Signs of Disordered Eating via Huffington Post

You vs. Food

When food is the enemy, you’re going to continuously have to face it.  This personal villain, if you will, is going to be on your mind a lot.  The average person engages in eating three to five times in a day but thinks about eating nearly every hour (or every 38 minutes for men).  That is multiple times a day you’re stressing about what to eat, what not to eat, how much to eat, and more! 

The best thing to do might be to eat the damn thing that you fear or crave.  Stress surrounding your idea of a thing can cause more harm than the thing itself.  The stress you create is more than simply food anxieties now…it turns into a mental and physical manifestation of illness in your body.  If this sounds far-fetched, you’ll need to trust me that it is real–I’ve experienced this form of stress.

Crush Those Food Anxieties

The way I see it, there are two straightforward routes when dealing with food anxieties on your own.  The first option is to abstain from food that you really want.  Consequently, that can also kind of makes the food extra-desirable.  We want what we cannot have.  Therefore the second option is to partake in occasional indulgence.  It may be just the ticket to moderate your consumption of a food while keeping you sane. 

For myself personally, I still find that to lead to overindulgence.  A “treat” can be a slippery slope because one snack or one serving might not seem like enough.  Has anyone ever found themselves halfway through a loaf of banana bread only to suddenly feel very uncomfortably sick?  Yeah, gluttony is not a cure for the feelings you’re trying to disguise by eating.

(gifs source)

The thing is, food is not supposed to be feared or separated into “good” and “bad” categories.  There are obviously some foods with greater nutritional profiles but how we feel when we go in for a bite also matters.  Heck, it might even matter more! 

I can’t tell you the magic trick to getting over food anxieties because there isn’t one.  I believe those of us who struggle with this more intensely tend to place more emotional ties on food.  It is a pattern we formed and, therefore, we can also break.  How can we break it?  It is going to sound simple but we simply make the choice.  We say: enough is enough! 

Food should not be a substitute for dealing with emotions.  If you don’t feel emotionally well, try:

  • Going for a walk
  • Talking to a friend in-person or on the phone
  • Playing with your pet
  • Cleaning (works wonders to get your mind off of most anything!)
  • Watching a movie or listening to a song/podcast
  • Creating some art by drawing, writing, painting, etc.
  • And hey, if you genuinely are hungry, by all means, EAT

At the end of the day (not a literal day—give it some time), if you’ve tried all of the above mentioned techniques to overcome food anxieties, please seek help.  I find I go through phases where this is more of a problem for me than other times.  It helps me to recognize what my triggers are and then I can talk myself down.  I think understanding the why behind the patterns proves useful.  Then, I can take steps to combat them.  I like to ask myself: is it true hunger that you feel right now or your emotions?

Thanks for reading!  This is a subject really close to me.  As much as I have the knowledge of how to properly manage my emotions, I don’t utilize my toolbox often enough.  Temptations around food are strong; so the battle to overcome emotional eating is one that I have to deal with daily.  I am a work in progress but I want to get to the place of freedom from food anxieties.

food freedom

Have you dealt with food anxieties?  What methods do you find to be helpful in dealing with them?  Please share.

As a disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or therapist.  This article is not intended to treat, diagnose, or be a substitute for seeking professional assistance for an eating disorder.

Looking for more?  Read this next: How to Reduce Sugar In Your Life Part I & Part II 🙂

And Now, I Release That Which No Longer Serves Me

And Now, I Release That Which No Longer Serves Me

Maybe you’ve heard the motivational saying: release that which no longer serves you.  I’ve certainly heard this in many inspirational works and guided meditation videos but it never really resonated with me.  I mean, in theory, it is a good practice to “let things go”. 

When you hold onto thoughts, material objects, or even people that do not benefit you or help you grow, where does that leave you?  If you stay amongst all of this stuff from your past, then it hinders your enjoyment of today and, consequently, tomorrow.

It turns out that the effects of long, slow-building emotional pain are not so easy to release. 

the perks of being a wallflower

I’ve included you all in my food/elimination diet trials because I’ve been trying to get to the bottom of my issues.  Now, I think it is only fair that I bring you the real and conclusive answer to what has been going on with my health.

Let us flashback to last fall (2017) when I started working at a mental health facility that the psych major in me considered #goals.  Yet, after spending a few months there, I discovered unfavorable things about the way things were run, especially in my department.  As an office assistant, my role had me tugged and pulled in different directions.  Any given day, I assisted staff and clients, composed a monthly and daily schedule of activities, attended to the clerical aspect of my role with data and reports, served as a secretary for my department and supervisor, and more.  

I was initially ecstatic to have this job and I think my enthusiasm, vibrancy, and overall happiness showed.

I love maintaining organization and being of assistance.  So, my job was easy to maneuver once I knew what was expected of me.  As a secretary, I was approached my many people and, in my supervisor’s eyes, must have garnered an excess of attention.  I did not seek it out but the attention…particularly from males…was there nonetheless.  Though, I’d say things got trickier when I started talking to a coworker of mine.  Others in my department figured we had a thing because we would often talk to each other and eat lunch together.  Still, I couldn’t see us advancing to the next step so I ended things amicably. 

And then someone new came into my life and rocked my world.

I feel a little embarrassed to say that I began seeing someone else from my same building, almost immediately following the other lukewarm thing I had with my other coworker.  Whatever.  I’m not holding back here!  So, we started talking casually in passing and ate lunch together one day in the employee breakroom.  Then I gave him my number because we were going to plan a day to go out to lunch.  Bam.  From then on, we began talking NONSTOP.  It did not take long for me to realize that I had feelings for him.  While I spent months of lukewarm indecisiveness with my other coworker, with this guy…I felt an immediate connection.  So much so that I told him I liked him after us only talking/texting for about two weeks.  I am not trying to sound dramatic here but prior to him, I really had accepted the “fact” that I was destined for a life of sparkless relationships–because that was all I had ever known!  Now, here was the first person I felt connected to beyond the physical level–it felt like our souls knew each other before we’d even met.  You can imagine why I then embarked on the most beautiful, whirlwind of a relationship that I’ve ever experienced.

titanic jack and rose

What I did not anticipate were the complications that this created for us (mostly me).  

Correction: anticipate makes it sound like I was planning this and I certainly was not.  I let all of this unfold, tossing common sense out the window and with ZERO plan in hand.  Meanwhile, at work, my nit-picky supervisor was building up a list of reasons why she didn’t like me.  She didn’t see how much I would do and whatever I did do was inadequate to her.  Little did I know that she created reasons to dislike me completely unrelated to my work and more personal in nature.  I wanted out but I tried to stick through it because everything else was going pretty well!  Or so I thought. 

My chirpy demeanor took a nosedive in the opposite direction when my short-lived, deeply connective relationship suddenly ended.  (Not so suddenly now that I look back. The clues were there: he said he wasn’t looking for a relationship. I know, I did this to myself….) Plus, since we worked in the same building, there was no way for me to get solace and take the much-needed separation to heal myself.  Work now became a place where I felt in over my head with growing emotional stressors that I had no control over.

I could write a book on all of the shit that occurred and the emotions that I felt during this time.  Instead, I’ll just say that I ended up leaving my job and all of the associated mess. 

My separation from the position at the beginning of July was a blessing but also an added source of pain to deal with.  I kept interacting with people, getting pushed into a corner and feeling my light get snuffed out more and more. Until one day it wasn’t there anymore. All of this was happening and I walked around feeling like half-a-human or just plain numb, never knowing how to manage any of what I was feeling (or not feeling). Almost immediately, the stressors took a toll on me physically.  I felt sick, to say the least; I felt my body deteriorating while I was inhabiting it.  

I spent the following weeks trying to come back into myself: relearning what it means to be me.  I started reading a life-changing book called The Power of Now (highly recommend it!).  Severe amounts of writing, crying, yoga, and meditation helped but did not totally heal the holes and overall brokenness I felt.  Even if I was better off not at that job, I was still hurt over everything that happened.  Plus, I was in emotional turmoil as I was finally getting the isolated time and space to work through everything I held in regarding the ending of my relationship.

i just want to feel okay again

Phew!  Deep exhale. 

This all feels really heavy just to write.  But it is okay.  Now that you know the background information, I’ll start to tie this story up!

One evening, as I perused Instagram, I came across an account for a local psychic who does tarot card readings.  I’ve never been into horoscopes or the supernatural but I was in a fucking pit at this point and intrigued to know what to make of all of the emotional pain and physical discomfort that I was in.  So, I met up with the psychic gal for a reading.  The two questions I asked pertained to what I should do about my health situation and what meaning I should take from the previous relationship I was in.  Now, I won’t say everyone needs to see a psychic but the messages that came from my reading described me perfectly. 

For so long, I had kept the emotions and struggles I was feeling to myself.  Yet, here this stranger was pulling out cards that represented exactly what I’d been going through.  This brought me comfort beyond belief. 

I felt understood without needing to say much.  She proposed that the reason for me feeling funky, health-wise, was probably due to me holding onto the stress of all I’d been going through.  

The cards did not provide a clear answer on what I should take from the romantic experience.  Though, they suggested a lack of closure.  I told the psychic a little bit about how things went in my relationship.  I told her how I couldn’t believe that things were over because him and I were so good together.  Things never even got a chance to get bad.  She told me there is a possibility of us being twin flames.  Meaning: we may be the kind of people who will come in and out of each other’s lives to teach lessons to one another.  Who’s to know at this point?  After the tarot reading, she suggested I reach out to him. She felt he had something to say, maybe an apology, and that might give me the closure I need. 

I walked out of the reading feeling like I could breathe. I felt as if I had been holding my breath for months and was now finally able to take a huge, deep inhale of breath.  I immediately felt a significant amount of the emotional burdens I was carrying were removed from my chest.  It was unreal.  Plus, I was gifted with a personalized, actionable task for my situation.  So, later that day, I gave him a call.

I won’t go into what we said during the call but it was brief and plain.  I purposely tried to keep things casual and light; that allowed for me to just talk and see how he was doing.  His surprise to see my call was evident in his voice but he spoke to me kindly. For a moment, the pain of the past few months fell away as he felt like the person I remembered before things got complicated.  We both expressed that it was nice to hear from each other and, for me, that was enough.  I would have been fooling myself if I expected anything else. 

The conversation was just okay and I am okay with that. 

The next day, I awoke lighter than I had felt in months.  If you’ve been following my elimination diet trials, you may be surprised to hear that my debilitating pregnancy-level bloat was gone!  Which I know realize is indicative of how stress and emotional trauma can impact the body.  So, the only way I can describe how I felt at this point is: refreshed.  In the following days, I found it easier to focus my energy on new activities for me.  The sensitivities that I experienced before were less apparent.  My diet didn’t really change but my skin started to clear up; it felt and looked less inflamed.  The tenfold effect of tackling the root cause of my troubles–my emotional health–has helped me more than anything.

I know it is easier said than done, to release that which no longer serves you, but it is key.  Prior to the tarot card reading, I spent months trying to come to terms with the situations all on my own.  Though, I couldn’t stop myself from dwelling on them because I saw no finality to them.  Perhaps, I had completed all of the necessary self-discovery work on my own and was just in need of that sign, a push, to tell me: LET GO

and now I release that which no longer serves me 

With all of this being said, it does not mean that I no longer feel anything for the way things went down at work or with my relationship.  Healing isn’t linear.  I still have moments where all of it just comes back and stabs me in the gut.  I see a new perspective on the situations every day and I take that as a sign that I am moving forward.  I no longer need to let the stressors of the past cling to me–nor I to them–and hinder my enjoyment of the present.  I finally feel like me again and am making choices to benefit me.  My friends, that is all I can ask for.





A Healthy Lifestyle: Is It Worth It? Where I’m at Right Now.

A Healthy Lifestyle: Is It Worth It? Where I’m at Right Now.

I think it’s fair to say we all, generally-speaking, desire to live a balanced lifestyle.  Though, sometimes it seems like maneuvering such a lifestyle walks a fine line between managing a routine and increasing madness.  That’s right, I said it.  A healthy lifestyle can be hard.  As simple as it may sound to “just eat more fruit and vegetables”, that isn’t always the simple answer. 

a healthy lifestyle cauliflower rice burrito bowl

Cauliflower rice burrito bowl with black beans, tomato, carrots, corn, red onion, and cilantro.

I hold the belief that the food, exercises, behaviors, and even the thoughts we have are what determine our overall wellness.  If you’re just doing the exercise part, or, you aren’t mindfully connecting the food that you eat as being valuable to your health, then you may be missing out on some key parts of wellness.  These four areas are interconnected and, together, provide optimum health possibilities for you.  Here’s the catch: they require constant maintenance!

Recently, I began reading Alisa Vitti’s WomanCode.  The guidance outlined in the book addresses hormonal imbalance in women that perfectly aligns with the areas that I previously stated are (in my opinion) essential for overall wellness.  In addition to information about what the causes and signs of hormonal imbalance are (spoiler alert: they’re actually a lot more common than you think), Vitti provides an outline for food, exercise, and lifestyle choices that will best support women throughout their monthly cycle.  So, the adjustments that I’m currently making to sync with my cycle are my attempts to improve my health.   

a healthy lifestyle cycle calendar

Moon calendar of June which is representative of the woman’s four cycle phases.

I do believe that our bodies are ever-changing.  The sugary treats I used to eat on the regular as a kid don’t feel as good now.  Heck, even on a day-to-day basis, my mood can change and the kind of workout I am up for varies.  As far as my status of health and wellness goes, I feel pretty clear about what I want in my life and what I don’t (though, other areas of life, such as career paths, are something else).  I prefer to exclude food or activities that are toxic to my body and mind.  Instead, I’d rather place my focus on what does serve me and listen to the messages my body and mind give me. 

I started this post by saying how hard it is to keep up a healthy lifestyle.  There are several areas to juggle and sometimes it is overwhelming to keep trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Along the way, it might require taking a break from exercise or over-indulging in a restaurant-serving of pasta.  #LIFE  Trial and error sucks but the learning experiences help me reinforce why I started my health and fitness journey in the first place: to feel like my best self.    

We weren’t designed to live in one constant state or rigid daily ritual.  Rather, each day is different and each day we can learn how to better ourselves. 

a healthy lifestyle

I actually got inspiration for this thought piece from Alexis over at Hummusapien.  She recently wrote a post about her decision to live intuitively day to day.  I admire her mindset and I recommend you go check out her post for another great perspective on the whole healthy living scheme of things.

Thank you for reading!  I don’t have all of the answers (though, I’ve never claimed to) so I appreciate you for taking an interest in my thoughts and sticking around this little blog of mine.  Does the ever-changing nature of your health and fitness journey confuse you, too?  Let me know.  I love reading your comments♥