It’s funny to think of how nothing in our world is one set way.  I used to think challenges were a necessary part of anything I would embark on.  Yet, I also believe the total opposite.  There is something to be said for the times when things fall into place so effortlessly that you wonder how sane or safe the situation is.  I used to wonder if the latter case meant the universe is playing a trick on me.

I am not one for games and I don’t think the universe is either.  It is my belief that we are led to where we need to be as long as we keep our eyes open.  The signs are here amongst us but we need to know what to look for.  Signals can be confusing, especially when our lives are oftentimes so busy, but that is why I find it essential to recognize how I feel. 

I’m not frequently introspective but simply taking note of how things make me feel is a game-changer.  It sounds obvious, like, of course I know how things make me feel.  Though, I’m talking about on that deeper level of recognizing when a person, topic, or situation affects you. 

People in your life that support and inspire you are worthwhile and necessary.  People that don’t make you feel good don’t have to be in your life—adjust accordingly.  Ideas that make you uncomfortable may be sore spots to work out.  When the thought of something fills you with emotion, consider how that serves you.  Life, months, weeks, and days are filled with situations.  Short and longer term situations are experiences if we can only see the avenues for expansion. 

Look back on what you were doing a year ago.  Were you living somewhere else?  Did you change jobs or pick up different hobbies?  Maybe you’ve learned how much you can take, emotionally, and where your limits are

I feel that, once you take the time to learn about yourself in that way, life just begins to flow.  My life isn’t perfect but it is flowing right now.  I’m not even close to where I am meant to be and there is still so much more I hope/plan to do but I’m thankful that I can see that. 

This is a bit of a different and, perhaps, odd post but I hope sharing my thoughts can resonate with you if you wonder about how to tap into those universal signs.  Check-in with yourself OFTEN and A LOT and there is no limit to the possibilities that may unfold.

Love and light to you all♥