You know the feeling when you ate a little too much at dinner or maybe you mixed some food and drinks that you wish you didn’t?  In that state of discomfort, I personally feel desperate for a little relief and, because of that, I have tried out many remedies to bring my tummy back into balance.

It wasn’t too long ago that I would carry tums in my purse and pop them almost daily to help with digestive distress.  Tums are primarily supposed to be used for fighting excessive acid production which usually comes from eating hot and spicy foods.  They serve to hinder stomach acid production but, at the same time, you are suppressing the acids that serve to DIGEST what you ate.  So, it puts a wet blanket on the issue but the actual process of digestion will take longer.

While the easiest fix for alleviating excessive stomach acid production is to minimize acid reflux-causing foods in your diet, general digestive discomfort can be a bit more complex.  For me, digestive distress comes along the lines of: an immense feeling of fullness, bloating, or just an unsettling feeling then keep reading.  It isn’t as simple as going to the bathroom or burping to relieve oneself. 

Tummy Balance Remedy with Digize and Castor Oil

When I was feeling physically ill last year, I was trying all sorts of methods to help with my gut dysbiosis.  The Balanced Blonde actually has a great post on the topic which you can read here but it was such an ongoing battle that I knew I needed extra help.  I’ve had a small arsenal of essential oils but was not using them much until this point. 

The essential oils that I like using are from a brand called Young Living.  I’ve tried random brands from Vitamin Shoppe or the grocery store but there are a few reasons I keep going back to YL.  1) What I particularly like about YL essential oils is because of their sustainable methods for sourcing the ingredients for the oils and the quality testing that goes into each batch.  2) With that testing, they have formulated essential oils safe for internal consumption.  Most essential oils are only for topical or aromatic use so I wouldn’t recommend ingesting any old brand you pick up at the store. 

So, going back to this remedy of mine, I use a blend of massively potent and healing essential oils called Digize paired with straight up castor oil.  In case you aren’t familiar with Digize, the blend contains: Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise, and Patchouli.  Each of these ingredients is beneficial on its own—think: peppermint tea!—but when combined, they are a powerhouse for digestive support.  Plus, the castor oil is not simply the vehicle for me to spread Digize on my tummy—it contains an array of benefits that research has linked to boosting the lymphatic system, inducing labor in pregnant women, and stimulating the digestive system! 

Of course, do your own research and experimentation to see if castor oil and/or Digize could be right for you but now I’ll get into the HOW part of my remedy routine!

The best time for me to do my tummy balance remedy is at night after I have taken a shower.  It is very soothing so this also helps to wind me down for the night.  I recommend doing this in your bedroom or someplace you won’t be disturbed so as to enhance the peaceful experience!

My first step is dry brushing my entire body.  I feel like this helps encourage circulation and detoxification—both being helpful when I’m trying to alleviate digestive discomfort.  I’ll also rub any lotion I want on my body, while avoiding my stomach.

Tummy Balance Remedy with Digize and Castor Oil

Next, I’ll lie down on my back.  You can lay down a towel or blanket, if you’d like. Here is where I’ll be using my castor oil and Digize!  I don’t measure it out but I pour about a half-tablespoon amount of castor oil into the palm of my hand and add a drop of Digize.  Then, I simply smear the mixture onto my belly.  The power is in the ingredients but there is also a strategy to massaging the stomach which can help speed up digestion. 

Method: Using whichever hand you feel most comfortable with, start at the top of your stomach (about palm-width above your belly button).  Press firmly, but not so much as to cause pain, into your stomach with your index and middle finger.  Move your fingers towards your left side and then down and then up on your right side til you reach the center again.  Basically, you’re moving your hands in a clockwise motion. 

I usually keep this massage going for 3-5 minutes before adding my heating pad.  For a long time I just did the massage and that works great!  However, if you have access to a heating pad, I highly recommend using one.  The heat works to activate the castor oil and help the ingredients penetrate your stomach.  The warmth stimulates digestive recovery and, as I said earlier, this feels very soothing!

I’ve honestly fallen asleep with the heating pad on my stomach (temperature set to LOW) because it is that relaxing.  I’ll wake up and turn it off soon after but if you find yourself in this situation you may want to set an alarm so that you won’t spend the entire night laying there with the heating pad.  Seriously! 

Alright, that is the end of my tummy balance remedy using castor oil and Digize.  If you experience any sort of digestive distress, I hope you found this post helpful and give the routine a try! 

