Spirulina Detox Elixir

Spirulina Detox Elixir

Detoxes get a bad rap but our bodies naturally go through this process daily.  When you add in superfoods, like in the form of a Spirulina Detox Elixir, you’re helping aid that process!

spirulina detox elixir

Did you notice the week-long hiatus I took from the blog?  Well, I did get a post up on Friday but I wasn’t posting my usual amount because I was conducting a 5 Day Gratitude Project over on Instagram.  It was a wonderful experience and those who have reached out seemed to enjoy it—which makes me very happy to hear!  On the other side of things, I was pretty overindulgent with sweets last week.  I think I baked three new things during the week and none of those treats are leftover….

There is definitely room for treats and I’m not about restricting but I am of the mindset that the treats shouldn’t outweigh the nutrient-dense foods.  I think we can all probably agree with that 😉  That’s why I try to sneak a handful of greens into a stir-fry or add some color to my smoothies.  Spirulina in particular helps with liver detoxification, nutrient absorption, along with a plethora of other health benefits.  It makes the ideal addition to give your body a boost!  BTW I like this brand!    

spirulina detox elixir

My latest favorite concoction is a Spirulina Detox Elixir.  And by latest favorite, I mean… it has been a solid favorite for a year now and somehow I’m barely sharing it with you!  I hesitate to share “easy” recipes, like my Protein Hot Chocolate, because I feel like anyone can make these sans a recipe. 

As a matter of fact, I had to actually measure out the ingredients so that I could create an actual recipe for you guys.  Oftentimes, I just scoop spirulina, pour some water, add a splash of ACV and lemon and drink!  You can’t go wrong with it.  If it tastes too strong, just add more water.  If it doesn’t taste bright enough, add more lemon or ACV.

On any given day, I love making this Spirulina Detox Elixir but I predict I’ll be enjoying it a lot more for the next few weeks!  It’s refreshing, tastes great hot, cold, or room temperature, and it is easy to whip up.  Spirulina does taste a little oceany but I feel the slight saltiness helps me start my day with balanced electrolytes.  It has even been the subject of research to potentially improve athletic performance given its nutrient profile.  I actually crave this in the mornings now! 

Be sure to tag me on Instagram or leave me a comment if you give this Spirulina Detox Elixir a try!

spirulina detox elixir

Spirulina Detox Elixir
Recipe Type: Drinks
Author: Melanie
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 1 drink
  • 1 ½ cups warm or room temperature water
  • 1 teaspoon spirulina powder (use ½ tsp to ease into the taste)
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar (optional)
  1. Method 1 If using warm water: in a large mug, add the spirulina powder and pour the water over it. Whisk vigorously until no clumps appear.
  2. Add the lemon juice and apple cider vinegar, if using.
  3. Method 2 If using room temperature or cold water: I recommend adding theingredients to a blender bottle or a bottle with a sealed cap. This way, you can shake it up to mix the elixir.*
  4. The drink is ready to go! You can drink it all at once or sip on it throughout your morning. It can also be stored in the refrigerator for later consumption.
Spirulina dissolves better in warm water but, if using cold, you’ll just need to stir it up every few minutes so the powder won’t all sink to the bottom or clump up!

If, like me, you’ve got a container of spirulina because you wanted to make trendy smoothie bowls but don’t know what else to use it for, give this drink a try. 




WomanCode Four Day Reset Review

WomanCode Four Day Reset Review

If you’ve been here before, you know that I’m a huge fan of the WomanCode book by Alisa Vitti.  It has dramatically changed the way I treat and honor my body.  The FLO Living protocol is also what helped me bring back my period after months of missed periodsWhen you first read the book, Alisa recommends to start with her 4 Day Reset to jump start the cleansing process for the liver and hormones.  I actually felt that I ate pretty well and did not do it when I read the book back in summer 2017.  It wasn’t until about two weeks ago that I had the tipping point that made me consider trying the Reset. 

I felt like my body wasn’t livable anymore.  My insides were so sluggish and my skin was breaking out.  I was stressed from work and eating way too many carbs.  My body didn’t know how to react in the mornings when I’d wake or what to crave at what hour of the day.  Everything felt so out of sync so the 4 Day Reset was just what I needed.

womancode reset meals

Originally, I feared the Reset would not provide me enough food.  It is A LOT less food than I’m used to eating but, then again, I was already eating too much of food that was not fueling me for my needs.  Breakfasts each day of the Reset were mixed fruit bowls filled with chopped apple, pear, or berries.  Plus, an optional green juice which I used as a mid-morning snack.  I’ve got to say, breakfast was the hardest meal to deal with.  I was on the verge of a headache and STARVED by the time 12 o’clock lunchtime rolled around.  

womancode reset meals

Reset Time

I filled my lunchtime meals with HUGE bowls of greens and that helped keep me pretty content, along with lentils and quinoa.  I followed the vegan option of using beans but the Reset also allows for fish to be included as a protein source.  The lunchtime kale salad, the spring mix salad were both delicious and quite hearty.

womancode reset meals

Mid-afternoon called for a snack of fruit or chopped veggies.  Vitti says another serving of lunch or dinner was acceptable but I preferred to eat a green apple, slices of cucumber, or carrots.  Snacking on these reminded me of how satisfying simple vegetables and fruit can be.

I followed the WomanCode recipes for the dishes so that I was following the plan as closely as possible.    The collard greens recipe was a delicious one that I saved for a side dish to my Veggie Soup at dinner.  I would toss in some more dried herbs next time because the soup was a little poor-tasting on its own.  I also preferred to add a bit of lentils to the veggie soup to make it more filling.

womancode reset meals

Here is a little breakdown of how I felt and what I noticed each day:

Day1 : Low on energy lacking in fuel.  On the verge of irritable and hangry.  Fatigue and lightheadedness were present.  My skin was the reason I started the cleanse and my face was red, broken out, and irritated.

Day 2: Calm but walking the line between energized and lightheaded. Mentally hungry for my next meal.

Day 3: Calm and managing to keep my energy stable.  Hungry for my meals but not starved.

Day 4: Happy to be eating slightly more.  Content with meals but understanding that I don’t need to eat SO MUCH.  My skin had slightly less redness and inflammation was down.

So, was the Reset worth it? 

The verdict is: yes!  I have never in my life done a cleanse or detox of any sort.  The meals in the 4 Day Reset are not meant to be long-term but they are sustainable over the course of a few days. 

What also made the Reset a great experience were the messages to help work on different aspects of health.  These were reminders to eat slower, get rid of items I no longer use, and how to self-care—just to name a few.  The activities complimented the cleanse perfectly.  It reignited my understanding of principles like taking my time and moving more slowly.  When I move slowly, I can better take in my surroundings and my needs. 

Days and weeks later, I notice my skin still has the acne issue but without the inflammation that was evident prior to the Reset.  I did not anticipate that my digestion would receive grand changes but it improved dramatically!  Never have I been more regular or “light”.  I feel like my body has a better handle on how to manage itself and how to process what I fuel it with. 

If you’re interested in a hormonal detox then give the WomanCode Reset a try.  The book has also been a lifesaver for me in getting my period back.  See my FLO Living series here!  I can vouch for the positive effects and tools it brought to my life and I hope this post is helpful for anyone considering this route (especially with the all the hoopla of the holidays).

Best wishes, my friends!